I tested this equipment about a year ago at a seminar and I was very impressed by it. The sound was excellent, even when the transmitter and receiver were far apart. The units were small and light. They used regular batteries and the earpieces were comfortable. The price was within my budget. I was convinced and decided to purchase two receivers and a transmitter of the 3-channel units.The company delivered it on time and I have been using it ever since. I recommend it to any interpreter even if they don't do too much simultaneous interpreting. Sometimes it's a lifesaver at places that have a lot of problems with their house equipment. TN Communications getsfive stars. Visit their website for more information. If you decide to purchase, make sure to mention the Interpreter's Café.
tape rec
I inherited a Sony tape-recorder similar to this one from my father who at one time had his own radio show. He used it to practice interview questions and also to record interviews done away from the station. Mine is about 20 years old and still works perfectly. A recorder is an indispensable tool for every interpreter. I like the tape better than the digital system because I can tape glossaries, store them, and later test myself interpreting the terms. Mine gets five stars. The one in the picture costs less than $25.00. You can find it at Amazon.com.