"Bilingual Dictionary of Domestic Relations & Juvenile Terms" by Norma Connolly "Traducciones de contratos" by Liliana Bernardita Mariotto
Catalina's List
"Healthcare Interpreting in Small Bites" by Cynthia E. Roat "Diccionario de Maria Moliner" "La traducción del inglés al castellano: Guía para el Traductor" by Marina Orellana
Richard's List
"Larousse Gramátic; Lengua Española; reglas y ejercicios"
Jennifer's List
"Bastard Tongues: A Trailblazing Linguist Finds Clues to Our Common Humanity in the World's Lowliest Languages" by Derek Bickerton "Merle Bilingual Law" by Cuauhtemoc Gallegos "Jergas de habla hispana" by Roxana Fitch Hamel's "Comprehensive Bilingual Dictionary of Spanish False Cognates" by Bilingual Book Press
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